Thursday, 29 January 2015

Petrol at an All Time Low

WOW! We haven't seen #petrol this cheap in a LONG time!
The #Shell service station on #BarklyStreet and the #Caltex on the corner of #InkermanStreet and #ChapelStreet in #StKilda both are displaying the same price today. This is exciting news for drivers!
Photo: Petrol price today in St Kilda

#StKilda Twilight Market

If you haven't checked out the #StKildaTwilightMarkets, then you should get yourself down there during #Summer. They are held every Thursday from 5pm-10pm, until 26 February 2015, in O'Donnell Gardens which is right next to Luna Park.
It's a great vibe right in the heart of #StKilda.

For more information check out their website: or Facebook page: 

Photo: St Kilda Twilight Markets

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

#Fire at #StKildaPier

It seems that a #Catamaran caught #fire at #StKilda Pier this evening. #FireTrucks and #Police are on site. The Pier is currently closed while Emergency Services investigate the scene.  

Monday, 19 January 2015

After the #Rain

The rainy #weather of last week has subsided and we can look forward to some proper sunny #Summer weather this week!
As much as we need the rain, nobody can deny that we love the sunshine a little bit more. However, there are some that really enjoy the rain and what it leaves behind. Nobody could sit on the grass the days after the downpour of heavy rain because it took a little bit of time for all the water to drain away, but the birds loved it.
The unevenness of this area  and poor drainage is a common occurrence and is highlighted during wet weather. Hopefully the council can take this on board for future improvements to the already beautiful foreshore.This grass area of #StKilda Foreshore has since dried up and people are able to once again sit and enjoy the sunshine.
Photo: Birds enjoying the water on St Kilda Foreshore the day after the downpour.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Sand Bags on St Kilda Beach

What appeared to be bags of rubbish on #StKildaBeach this evening actually were sand bags from today's #SLAM #BeachVolleyball event. 

Well done to the team that packed up everything very quickly and efficiently! You would never know there was a major event there today. Impressive.

Photo: Sand bags on St Kilda Beach

Outdoor Shower Drainage Problem

It's great that we have #OutdoorShower facilities such as this one at #StKildaBeach, so people can rinse off the sand and salt water after spending the day at the #beach.
However, some of these shower areas suffer from bad drainage problems. Having to step into still warm sandy water in order to rinse off isn't the most appealing of circumstances but people do out of necessity. It is unfortunate that this occurs every season, and seems to be a common problem with outdoor showers at beaches around Port Phillip Bay, and one wonders if something can be done to improve them. 
In the case of the one at St Kilda Beach, perhaps if this area was elevated, or situated on some form of decking, similar to the decking that exists only meters away as part of the boardwalk along the foreshore, it would allow for better drainage. Something to consider, City of Port Phillip?
Photo: Outdoor showers at St Kilda Beach need better drainage.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fitness First on Alma Temporarily Closed

The #FitnessFirst gym on #AlmaRoad is currently closed for renovations.
For those that don't know where this is, it is on Alma Road in East St Kilda between Chapel Street and Westbury Street, opposite Alma Park.
They are apparently refurbishing the pool and the entire entrance areas, which is well-needed.  Having lived in St Kilda for nearly three decades and having once been a member of the then St Kilda Fitness, one can remember that the indoor 25m pool was looking old even ten years ago, so it will be exciting to see the upgraded one!
The whole gym is closed until 18 January 2015 (which is only a few more days) but the pool works are scheduled to continue until the end of the month.
For more information, check out their website.
Photo: Fitness First on Alma Rd closed for renovations

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Saving the Trees

It's such a shame that some of the #trees along our #StKilda streets are being stolen or vandalised. Why would people do this? However, it's great that something is being done about it by the council, and by the looks of these trees on Alma Road it is working. This looks like a good choice of tree too.
Well done to the City of Port Phillip for being proactive.

Photo: Protecting the street trees on Alma Road.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Mad #Melbourne #Weather

This morning it was 37°C and by lunch time it was 38°C. Then at around 3pm, the clouds rolled in and the #sky went grey. Then the downpour of #rain began. It lasted just under an hour and according to the news it was 20mm worth. It seemed to stop as quickly as it started and it wasn't long before the sun came out again and the temperature gauge hovered back to 35°C.
This spectacular #cloud formation appeared over the Bay at dusk and resembled something from a SciFi movie. Was an alien finally coming to visit St Kilda? Or was it God? Or was it a portal to another dimension that the plane was flying directly into?
Enjoy your warm Summer evening, folks! :)

Photo: Cloud formation at dusk at the beach.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Interesting Architecture Design

#StKilda is full of interesting #Architecture, and this #ApartmentBuilding's façade is testament to our suburb's diversity. This unique and eye-catching design definitely adds some colour to what would be just another boring block of apartments.
Photo: Apartment building façade in St Kilda.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

#HappyNewYear everyone!! Hoping you all have an amazing year ahead.
Love, Peace & Success to all.
Photo: Melbourne's New Year's Fireworks 2015